Lombard Lions Club

District 1J    Lombard, Illinois USA




DATE: June, 2004

Dear fellow lions,

It’s been quite a while since I was your news reporter, and I still don’t feel quite right doing this without the wonderful assistance of Lion Laddie and his staff, but modern technology, and the incredible talent of Lion Scott, along with his lovely wife (Gloria), have made my job easier to do and they will be taking over where Laddie’s staff left off. As a matter of fact, I would like to start out by acknowledging the tremendous job they did on putting up and maintaining our fabulous website. If you haven’t seen it, please turn on your computer and go to www.lombardlions.org. You will be amazed at the look and feel of this website and the total commitment Lion Scott has made to our club. It is no wonder he received an appreciation award at the Installation dinner. All of my future newsletters will be posted on our website, so if you did not receive an email or a mailing (for those of you not hooked up to the net), all you need to do is go there and you can view the latest news.

OFFICERS for 2004-2005
Here is your new Board of Directors.
President, Lion Ernie Turcotte
1st VP, Lion Steve Kudulis
2nd VP Lion Jerry Bimber
3rd VP, Lion Ed Korte
Secretary, Lion Paul Friedrichs
Treasurer, Lion Ross Caputo
Tail Twister, Lion Scott Tobey
Lion Tamer, Lion George Rentz
1 yr. Directors, Lions Dave Orr and Dom Pulice
2 yr. Directors, Lions Jim Pekny and Sharon Mysliwiec
Past Pres. Lion Sandy Sarillo

Disabled List Department:
For those of you who did not know, we have two Lions on the mend. Lion Sandy Sarillo is home recuperating from major surgery and we are hoping and praying she will be back very soon. Lion Dave Hulseberg is recuperating from pacemaker surgery, and when I finally got a chance to speak with him, he told me he was feeling very well and will be back to meetings very soon. Great news Dave, and we will all turn our cell phones off when we are near you so, you won’t get a jolt from your new mechanism.

Congratulations Department:
Our Installation Dinner and Golf Outing was a great success, thanks to Lion Ross Caputo for taking care of all the arrangements, once again. Lion Ernie Turcotte was master of ceremonies and did a masterful job of seeing that things went smoothly and everyone had an enjoyable evening. Many Lions were recipients of awards this year and they included:

LION OF THE YEAR, Paul Friedrichs for outstanding achievement in Lionism over the past year and his dedication to our club as secretary over these past years.

Candy Day Awards to Lions Steve Wilk Sr., Steve Kudulis and yours truly for their respective accomplishments during the Candy Days of 2003.

Lion Ernie Turcotte received a major award for his outstanding chairmanship of Candy Day and for far exceeding any of our expectations in monies collected over the last 3 years. Because of his hard work and diligence, we have become one of the top clubs in the State for Candy Day collections!

Lion Scott Tobey received an award for his outstanding work on our new and fabulous website.

Although she was unable to attend, Lion Sandy Sarillo was honored for her leadership of our club over the past year and for her never ending commitment to this club and its progress and success. Thanks Sandy for stepping up!

LIFE MEMBERS: The following Lions were given one of the greatest honors a Lion could be awarded in his/her lifetime as a member of this fine organization. To become a Life Member means that your fellow Lions want to thank you for all the years of service you have given to this club and to this community at large. Because of your continuous efforts, you have been directly responsible for helping those less fortunate than us. You have made it possible for grade school kids and adults to get the eye exam and/or glasses that they needed to see. You are responsible for helping a person with a hearing disability to hear things they never heard before or haven’t heard in a very long time. You have helped children and adults who are physically and mentally challenged to be able to do some things that the rest of us take for granted in our every day lives. You have made it possible for a young mother to get the medications she needed for her ailing child. You have made it possible for a person, who is out of work, to put food on the table for their family.
Thank you Lions: Ross Caputo, Franklin Hammerschmidt, Bill Hearle, George McCoy and Laddie  Nudera!

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Lion Pam Schau for keeping us informed over the last year. It takes time and a lot of effort to sit down and compose these informative news items and it’s especially hard when life hands you a couple of lemons to go along with all your other responsibilities. Please know Pam, that your efforts did not go unnoticed and were indeed appreciated. This club values your input, intelligence and wit.

That’s it for now. I will be back to you, before we begin our new season in September, with all the news gossip and information you will need to get geared up for a great year in Lionism.

See you in September, take care and God bless,

Lion Dom

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